a highly talented Nepali singer

Raj Kumar Dong Tamang : highly talented and versatile Nepali singer, musician, and educator

Raj Kumar Dong Tamang Is A highly talented and versatile Nepali singer, musician, and educator with a passion for inspiring audiences through music. Name: Raj Kumar Dong Tamang (Raj Kumar Tamang) Date of Birth: Paush, 20, 2039 B.S. Place of Birth: Sunapati Rural Municipality, Ramechhap District, Nepal Parents: Jeet Man Singh Tamang (Father), Kanchhi Maya Thing (Mother) Singer and Music Composer Released debut album in 2063 B.S., showcasing exceptional skills in singing, lyricism, and composition. Produced an extensive body of work comprising nearly 200 Nepali songs across various genres. Notable compositions include "Takadhimi Damphu," "Damphu Bajaula," "Lasso Sangada," and "Khalda." Awards and Recognitions: Received the Best Music Composer Award at the Second Star Music and Films Awards in 2080 B.S. थप पढ्नुहोस् ...

उज्यालो प्रतिनिधि २३ बैशाख २०८१, आईतवार




कांग्रेसले हिड्न खोजेको ‘[अ]लोकतान्त्रिक बाटो’

संसद्को प्रमुख प्रतिपक्षी दल नेपाली कांग्रेस उपप्रधानमन्त्री एवम् गृहमन्त्री रवि लामिछानेमाथि संसदीय छानबिन समिति गठन गरी छानबिन गर्नुपर्ने मागबाट पछि

बुद्ध लोप्चन १ बैशाख २०८१, शनिबार

सम्पादकीय : संविधान संशोधनको बाटोमा अगाडि बढौँ

उज्यालो प्रतिनिधि ३ आश्विन २०७८, आईतवार

विशेष सम्पादकीय : राष्ट्रपतिलाई महाअभियोग लगाउन बिलम्ब नगरौँ

बुद्ध लोप्चन २८ असार २०७८, सोमबार

ख्यालख्याल होइन, कोरोना

उज्यालो प्रतिनिधि २५ बैशाख २०७८, शनिबार